We live in an interesting era. We are so sure we live a real life. That there is a job-career that provides stability, growth. A life that is not stable and with growth, on average, seems to us wrong. That is what we fear and avoid. We put our masks on, too, that we are aware that we control everything. Isn't it our fear, that we won't know all, that we won't be at our height? You think it must be high all the time, that relaxing is dangerous. All the time, we catch up. Cancer also visits the nation more in this context. Because we've been so keen that we don't love our body any more. And it's a signal to the subconscious that you have to start destroying your body. GOD resides in a man. What kind of person will give an order to his microspace, so the things will come together. So it's important to be aware of what you're talking about, what you think. Because where you are, what you do and what you get is a projection created by you.
We live in two realities, artificial and natural, a question is - which side are you? The question is also, in what reality do we, as humanity, find ourselves in? At the moment, we are rapidly going for artificial bees on EARTH. If they go extinct, we'll have 4 years left, as Einstein said. In the meantime, it would have to be possible to produce artificial bees so that we would not die. As you think, whether it's a natural or artificial direction, the trajectory we're moving along? Does it really not see humanity as being on an artificial side. We eat more and more harmful food that poisons us. Pesticides are already detected in breast milk. The baby is fed with artificial milk, is given an artificial teat, and children go to artificial training places - in kindergarten, elementary schools, secondary schools, high schools. Beyond such artificial teaching, there is very little creativity and naturality in us, about 2%*. As we grow up, we are in trends that are around, because unique solutions are no longer in our nature. We're going to work mostly in cities. We're getting programmed as a child: “Baby, what are you going to become when you grow big?” We have constant pressure from around for the time, for the future. Here we lose the feeling of no time HERE AND NOW and go into a time that has certain hours to do certain things. 8:30 Math, 9:15 Language, 10:10 Literature, 10:55 History, 11:35 lunch, 12:15 Sport, 13:10 Music. Its 12 years in a squirrel wheel. Then a higher school. And then a new wheel in the shape of a job, family. 7:00 rise, 8:00 child management, 8:30 at work (preferably), 12:30 lunch, 17:00 child management. At 19:00 I'm trying to get out. For dessert, it could yet be said, that women flush themselves to become a doll, men extend their penis with money and its manifestations in properties, positions.
* In New Zealand, testing 1600 children, 98% of children aged 3-5 showed a level of genius or higher in creative thinking. When testing the same children at the age of 8 – 32%. Testing them at the age of 13 — 10%. When testing 2,000 adults, only 2% of them did not automatically use yesterday's solutions to today's problems and opportunities.
Story moderator: TARS