Entertainment as a modern religion
When we're born, already someone are entertaining us. If we cry (which is healthy for lungs and emotional development), then we are tried to calm down and our attention is trying to deflect, do everything to start smiling again. We might have a whole lot of toys (which is moving away from our development) to make us interesting all the time. Look at babies, they prefer to pick things that are houshold ithems rather than toys (though they are designed to compete others in the fight for attention). These colorful plastic toys work against us because they do not promote our imaginations, emotionality, etc.,to create important values. Children say very often, “I'm bored”. Butt hat doesn't mean we, adults, have to go straight to the shop or organize a party or an adventure. For a child to become creative, he needs to experience boredom and get out of it himself. By allowing children to experience it, we must finally be glad to see how excited and happy the children indulge in their fictional activity.

We want children to be employed all the time, so that they don't think of any kind of misogyny. But to get to smart, we need all kinds of experience, including exposure to the negative side of life. To maintain creativity, we need a break between our busy - freedom. It is only in this freedom, between employment, that there is a chance to blossom the seed that has been put in us since birth.Children are all born creatively, genius in their thinking, expression.The children themselves want to explore the world, they are very knowledgeable. And here, we adults, sinning very often, wanting to help children. We're too concerned about them. We always want to stay at the bottom of something soft before the child falls. But a child has to experience this “fall” experience throughout his own magnificence. Very often, we also don't expect a child's reactions to the irritant, whether it would be any question or a life situation.Hurry up with your answer, advice. It encourages processes that can contribute to relaxing a child, reducing the expression of your will, silencing your (heart) voice. A child loses his thread of life with time, he forgets who he is and why he has come to the earth. In terms of educational jargon, he doesn't know what he wants to become. This is illustrated by the situation with young people in class 9. I've been meeting these youngsters for two years a month before making their choice, what to do next and they don't know the answer to that question. It just shows that the education system has taken her away so far that young people are very lost, confused.
And then, when a child has gone through this meat machine, he has become a citizen who can no longer think independently, take responsibility, be creative, brave, etc. All along, he has had people next to him (family, teachers) who have said ahead, what needs to be done, what the right answer is, what the goal of life is. The young citizen has atrophed, has returned his voice to others. And at this point, he is very uncritically starting to consume products that are the loudest (the most advertised). Very often they are purely commercial, with a desire for maximum profit, whether it is food, other goods, culture, entertainment, etc. Since we are no longer standing on our feet, our choice is determined by what others consume. We watch what are the most watched movies, concerts, otherconsumer goods. We choose these products because we want to belong to something. We are very afraid to stay alone, so we stand up to each other to consume together. Huge industries are being built on us to wipe out the energy of our lives so that we continue to be live zombies who return their lives to corporations. We're afraid to stop, go out of this game, think,think, think, understand that we're being chastised in these many systems we've been put in. We want to keep us entertained so that we just don't have to face ourselves because we are afraid to see who we are and why we are here. We fear that entertainment will end, electricity will disappear, and we will no longer be able to enjoy what we like. But no one has yet remained frustrated in this transition because we see how everything about entertainment and consumption has been fallacious. We understand the price we have paid in both our own and in the context of humanity. I could describe this feeling as waking up from a nightmare when we are still shaken by a tremor, but we are fortunate that it has only been a dream.
On which side are you?
Story medium: TARS
Photo from Pixabay